CPR Gallery 1

We are pleased to showcase photographs of our clients' comics that had been previously graded, then sent to The Comic Clinic for a little TLC to improve the grade of the books. This gallery is for pictures that also show the original grade labels.

If you are considering re-grading a comic, we recommend that, initially, where possible, customers obtain any grader notes from the original graders. Regardless of whether you manage to do so, we always do our best to make sure there is a reasonable prospect of at least a single grade step improvement, and, prior to removing the comic from the case, we advise the client on the likelihood of a grade increase and any potential issues*.

This practice has become known as comic CPR (cracked, pressed & regraded).

Nintendo nn Sampler

Nintendo nn 

Amazing Spiderman 121

Amazing Spiderman 121

Amazing Fantasy 15

Amazing Fantasy 15

fantastic Four 48

Fantastic Four 48 

ASM 300Amazing Spiderman 300

Amazing Spiderman 20

Amazing Spiderman 20 

Iron Man 1

Iron Man 1 

Fantastic Four 1

Fantastic Four 1

Amazing Spiderman 252

Amazing Spiderman 252

Ms Marvel 1

Ms Marvel 1

Amazing Spiderman 129

Amazing Spiderman 129

TMNT Adventures 1

TMNT Adventures 1

CPR Gallery 2

*Please be advised that grading is subjective (to a degree), and also, the criteria has evolved over the years. Some flaws were treated more leniently in the past and vice-versa. So although we will do our best to advise on the chances of a grade bump, there are no guarantees.

©  Copyright notice. The pictures in the CPR galleries, were supplied by some of our customers with specific permission to use them on this website. They cannot be used elsewhere without permission from the respective creators/owners. If you have any comics that we have CPRed and you wish to feature in this gallery, please get in touch and we will see if we can track down the original label.

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