Case Study 6

Avengers 1

Our customer sent us this comic just before Christmas 2019 as a 2.5, and was hoping to squeeze a 3.5 out of it. After cleaning a reasonable build up of dirt and finger oils/grease, we set about removing the slight spine roll and making the spine look more natural again. Then we worked on the deeper creases, before pressing and finishing it off ready for grading. We were pleased to find out that not only were we able to get the 3.5 he was looking for, but we managed to get him a little more as well.  



Avengers 1 before pressing
Avengers 1 after pressing
Avengers 1 before pressing Avengers 1 after pressing
Avengers 1 before pressing Avengers 1 after pressing


AF was extremely pleased that his Avengers 1 came back from CGC with a 4.0 grade, up from the original 2.5. He has kindly sent this picture of the comic in question to confirm the grade.

Avengers 1 Graded


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